

  • Benno Friedman on Painterly Photography

    Berkshire Artist Overcomes Adversity

    By: Charles Giuliano - Oct 01st, 2014

    For Berkshire based photograher, Benno Friendman, taking an image with a camera is the initial step in creating an exhibition print. In this third and final installment of an extensive interview he discussed the alchemy of the darkroom. In more recent years that has morped into manipulations using Photoshop. Several years ago he suffered a severe injury from which he has made a remarkable but gradual recovery. It proved to have little impact on his feisty spirit.

  • Scorton Marsh, Sandwich, Cape Cod

    A Poetic Photo Story

    By: Astrid Hiemer - Sep 30th, 2014

    We live in the Berkshire Hills and forests, near lakes. Growing up close to the Baltic and North Seas draws me to oceans still. So we recently spent a wonderful and sunny week on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. A photography project follows: From a thousand new Cape photos, we photo-shopped 100, then selected approximately 40, further enhanced or painterly distorted them (or not) for this story and poem.

  • Jonas Dovydenas Endless War

    Afghan Photo Series at Lenox Library

    By: Charles Giuliano - Sep 26th, 2014

    From 1985 until fairly recently the Berkshire based photograher, Jonas Dovydenas, made a number of trips to Afghanistan. He started by shooting black and white film and later abandoned the darkroom switching to digital cameras. In all he shot some 15,000 frames. These were culled and edited resulting in the recent exhibition at the Lenox Public Library.

  • Benno Friedman Hosted Tim Leary

    Hitched Ray and Alice Brock of Alice's Restaurant

    By: Charles Giuliano - Sep 02nd, 2014

    An extended family of artists and hipsters celebrate holidays in the Berkshires at the home of Benno and Stephanie Friedman. Among the renowned guests have been LSD guru, Tim Leary, and chef Alice Brock. Benno shot the illustrations for the Alice's Restaurant Cookbook. There's a shot of me with an apple in my mouth in the chapter on stuffing.

  • Berkshire Photographer Benno Friedman

    Early Years: Woodstock, Rolling Stone, Playboy

    By: Charles Giuliano - Aug 25th, 2014

    Berkshire based photographer, Benno Friedman, bought a camera in a duty free shop in the Amsterdam airport. It was the summer after graduation from college in 1966. Upon returning a friend helped him to process and print the film. Soon that launched into dual career as a commercial and fine arts photographer. That led to assignments like shooting Woodstock for Playboy and Seventeen. He was also a stringer for Rolling Stone. This is part one of a recent extensive interview.

  • Christopher Williams at the Art Institute of Chicago

    Play and Dream an Image. Let Someone Else Click.

    By: Susan Hall - Apr 21st, 2014

    The title of the exhibit, "The Production Line of Happiness" is taken from a Jean Luc Godard documentary in which an amateur filmmaker compares his day job as a factory worker with his hobby of editing his films of the Swiss countryside. Williams says that today's consumer culture pictures and produces endless images to be consumed.

  • The Burren, Cliffs of Moher and Newgrange

    A Photo Essay

    By: Astrid Hiemer - Mar 16th, 2014

    A photograph is worth how many words? You decide! Our trip to Ireland and England included a couple of days experiencing the land, people and natural wonders of Ireland by bus. We returned with rock-solid photographs (pardon the pun!) and long lasting memories.

  • Ian Grey's Portrait Series

    North Adams Parlor Cafe

    By: Parlor - Jan 22nd, 2014

    Ian Grey of the Berkshires is best known for his hummingbird series of photographs. In his largest exhibition to date, some 50 images, he will be showing portraits at the Parlor Cafe in North Adams. The reception for the artist will occur on Saturday, January 25, from 6 to 9 PM. The show remains on view through March 8.

  • A Tango Diary at Berkshires Six Depot Gallery

    Documentary Photos by Sabine Vollmer von Falken

    By: Sabine Vollmer von Falken - Jan 13th, 2014

    Sabine Vollmer von Falken has created A Tango Diary photos of dancers and would-be dancers from South America to the Berkshires. It is on view at Six Depot Gallery in West Stockbridge

  • 250 Year Old Southern Live Oak Tree

    Hosting Epiphytes: Spanish Moss and Resurrection Fern

    By: Astrid Hiemer - Sep 27th, 2013

    A series of photographs with a short report will remain on the BFA Project Space. These 16 photos were a gift, received from a very old Southern Oak Tree and the people, who care for the massive tree, hanging Spanish Moss and Resurrection Fern.

  • Berkshire Photographer Benno Friedman

    From Wet to Dry

    By: Charles Giuliano - Sep 24th, 2013

    Since the 1960s when we met at Brandeis University I have followed the work of photographer Benno Friedman. We now live on opposite ends of the Berkshires. Some time back, as first reported in Maverick Arts Magazine, we met for a studio visit and dialogue. I showed his work at the New England School of Art and Design.

  • Matuschka, Artistic Activist, Activist Artist

    Another Vintage Interview

    By: Edward Bride - May 21st, 2013

    The former model, photographer and breast cancer awareness activist Matuschka is the subject of a current 40 year retrospective of her work at Sohn Fine Art in Stockbridge. Much of the work was created in the Berkshires as the jazz entrepreneur and journalist Edward Bride explored in a 2006 interview. Because of the media coverage of the recent elective surgeries of Angelia Jolie this proves to be both timely and provocative coverage of a courageous and interesting artist.

  • Matuschka Maimed, Claimed and Famed

    A Life and Career Defined by an Iconic Image

    By: Charles Giuliano - May 21st, 2013

    A blessing and curse the life and career of the artist Matuschka has been defined by a single iconic image. It has both opened and closed reports on work that came before and after the cover of the New York Times Magazine in 1993. The media entirely focuses on that image and her somewhat complex and freaky life. Attempts to evaluate her as an artist are few and far between.

  • At Home with Photographer Matuschka

    Parrot Fever

    By: Charles Giuliano - May 19th, 2013

    A former model, Matuschka, created a riveting self portrait revealing a radical masectomy. It was on the cover of the New York Times Magazine and has been published in a Time Life book as one the 100 most influential photographs of the 20th century. With the recent coverage of Angelina Jolie ironically Matuschka is back in the news. Yesterday we attended her 40 year retrospective of self portraits at Sohn Fine Arts in Stockbridge.

  • Neal Rantoul: Wheat, Washington, 2009-2012,

    Danforth Museum Opens April 7

    By: Danforth - Mar 18th, 2013

    Neal Rantoul: Wheat, Washington, 2009-2012, opens at the Danforth Museum in Framingham on April 7, 2013. This exhibition is an exploration of subject matter Rantoul has consistently revisited over the past decade—the wheat fields near Pullman, Washington.

  • Birches and Baobab Trees

    Ancient Spirit Trees

    By: Astrid Hiemer - Nov 15th, 2012

    Birches have fascinated me for many years! In 2009 we were introduced to Baobab Trees during a trip to Senegal, West Africa. Baobab Trees are also ancient trees with attributions of mystical powers since Millennia. The photo project attempts to convey some of the mysteries.

  • Ian Grey's Hummingbirds

    Berkshire Photographer Launched Project in 2005

    By: Charles Giuliano - Nov 12th, 2012

    Ian Grey's hummingbird project started soon after he and glass artist Isabella Raven moved to a wooded property in Florida a mountain hamlet on Route Two a short distance from North Adams. Over the course of seasons he developed an ever more refined strategy for capturing the birds which hover in space while drawing nectar from plants. From an average of 15,000 images per season he culls that down to a handful of keepers to print and exhibit.

  • Julee Holcombe and Charles Teenie Harris

    Photography Exhibitions at Kayafas Gallery Open September 7

    By: Arlette Kayafas - Sep 01st, 2012

    Boston's renowned Gallery Kayafas opens its season on September 7 with tandem exhibitions by Julee Holcombe and Charles "Teenie" Harris. Holcombe's large scale photographs from her Homo Bulla series, architectural and figurative scapes, are digital collages of layer upon layer of assembled resonant images from many different places. A collection of rare Charles "Teenie" Harris (1908- 1998) photographs from his family's archive is on view before they are disseminated.

  • Cindy Sherman at MoMA

    Girls Just Want to Have Fun

    By: Charles Giuliano - Apr 25th, 2012

    The Cindy Sherman restrospective at MoMA is a must see knockout. It demonstrates why she is among the most successful and widely appreciated artists of her generation. While following the simple premise of photographing herself in a range of setting and personas there has been a remarkable ongoing evolution theough the work.

  • A Slide/Video Presentation on Namibia

    April 25 at the Williams College Faculty House

    By: Ronnie Jane Levin - Apr 21st, 2012

    A Slide/Video Presentation on Namibia by Ronnie Jane Levin is scheduled for Wednesday April 25 at 7:30 pm at the Williams College Faculty House. There will be an overview of the famous 60' high Sand Dunes, the renowned Etosha Game Park, the African Rescue Center, the Ancient San/Bushman cave paintings and rock engravings, the isolated Himba Tribal people, and the Batswana and Bushmen Tribes of the Kalahari Desert.

  • Siman Media Works Launches XCIA's Street Art Project

    Howard Greenberg Gallery Presents the Art, Book and App

    By: Susan Hall - Mar 30th, 2012

    With street art taking an important place on the walls of the Howard Greenberg Gallery, the author, XCIA aka Hank O'Neal roaming with his camera, and cutting edge publisher Ken Siman talking up EbooksExtreme, a terrific new book documenting street art over a 40 year period was launched in style. An innovative app follows.

  • Homage to Helmut Newton

    The ‘Porno Chic’ Photographer

    By: Nelida Nassar - Mar 29th, 2012

    The first retrospective of the German born photographer Helmut Newton at the Grand Palais, Paris gathers the most provocative, sometimes shocking of his images. “The work tries to capture the beauty, eroticism, humor – and sometimes violence – that he sensed in the social interaction within the familiar worlds of fashion, luxury, money and power” states Jérôme Neutres co-curator of the exhibition.

  • Jonas Dovydenas War and Peace in Afghanistan

    Berkshire Community College Exhibition Through February 17

    By: Charles Giuliano - Jan 18th, 2012

    Between 1985 and 2010 the Berkshire based photographer Jonas Dovydenas made 13 trips to Afghanistan to create an edited portfolio of some 12,000 images. A selection of work has been densely hung, salon style, in the Koussevitzky Art Gallery at Berkshire Community College (BCC) in Pittsfield where they will remain on view, Monday through Friday, 9AM to 5PM through February 17.

  • Vivian Maier Photographer at Greenberg Gallery

    Billing as a Nanny Photographer Is Inappropriate

    By: Susan Hall - Dec 17th, 2011

    Tens of thousand of images shot on the street throughout the world by an artist who well may come to be called great have emerged through the accidental discovery and then dogged determination of John Maloof. Howard Greenberg is beginning to curate the images.

  • Paris Photo Fair in the City of Lights

    Celebration of Africa's Vitality and Diversity

    By: Nelida Nassar - Nov 18th, 2011

    The 15th edition of the Paris Photo Fair takes place from November 15 to 20, 2011. Moving from the Carousel du Louvre it is held for the first time at the Grand Palais. A meeting place for photography collectors, Paris once again becomes the leading center of the global photo art market. A rich palette of photographers display the work of August Sanders, Seydou Keita, JD Okhai Ojeikere, as well as numerous younger photographers particularly from Africa to Charlie Chaplin portraits and first 35 films.

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