

By: - Dec 25, 2022


Originality is so
As if being unique
Is such a big deal
When so much
Has been done
For eons and eons
As if anything that
We can say or do
Will make any difference
Not at all likely
Better to beg, steal, and borrow
There is in fact
So much to choose from
Even Shakespeare
Cribbed plots from
Shabby old histories
Obscures characters
Like Hamlet and Macbeth
Given fresh and enduring
Life in his prose
So it’s not in newness
The first to do whatever
That really matters
Better to have the
Last word
In our own way
Who we really are
For better or worse
So much cooler than
All the posturing
Basking in alleged
Craven craving for
Admiration on Facebook
Oh how absurd
Comic if not so sad
Better to toss our
Words out the window
There to languish under snow
Marinated by time
Tucked in a drawer
To be discovered
On Antiques Roadshow
Our thoughts of
Such little consequence
Soft murmur amid
Cacaphony of breast beating
Chorus of idiots
Striving for the light
Shadows on the walls of
Plato’s dank cave