

By: - Dec 19, 2021

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Meeting with our primary
Always oddly fun
Considering circumstances
She wore a sweater
With a big red heart
Somewhat ironic as
That’s what we discussed
Results of test
My high BP
Meds maxed
Pros and cons
All well explained
In easy layman terms
She paused for a response
”What’s my croakability”
Stopped in her tracks
Didn’t get the jive
In general doctors
Not really hipsters
Like my parents
Total squares
The ability to croak
I explained wryly
She seemed amused
Wonder if she will
Add to her vocabulary
When discussing
With anxious patients
Lord knows we can
All enjoy gallows humor
Later discussed
My BFF’s heart issue
What’s your croakability
I asked sincerely
Not missing a beat
Right now 50/50
No real rush
They don’t act until
It’s 20/80
Grim metrics
That’s when Medicare
Will pay nowadays