

By: - Dec 06, 2020


2020 means perfect vision
Looking back this year
Anything but sharp and clear
More of a blur
Some morbid slur
This is when
Critics and media
Post best of lists
Now rather odd
More notable for
What didn’t happen
Trips not taken
Shows never seen
Loved ones lost
In their prime
Unnatural causes
Whom the gods love
Far too young
Plans abandoned
Strange staycations
Distanced grieving
Friends and neighbors
We withdrew from
Furtive masked encounters
Bumping into each other
Like billiard balls
Smash and clash
Banked off cushions
Careening trigonometry
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty 
Here, there, everywhere
Those alfresco meals
Breezy golf courses
Gorgeous greens
Distant mountains
Now mothballed
Long winter tightens
Its frigid grip
Nights with Netflix
Days of email
Swapping recipes
Viewing tips
What to see tonight
Peer reviews
Facetime calls or
Huddled around Zoom
Drawing ever inner
Sinking deeper
Feeling pressure
Plunging greater depths
Spiritual freefall
Becoming unbearable
Exploding news
Depth charges
Ransacking our cocoon
Now days till Christmas
Festive decorations
Seasoned greetings
Fresh twigs of pine
Smelling divine
As has always been
Through dark times
Shopping on line
Presents sent
And received
Cheer with fear
Operation warped speed
Confusion of delusion
Hope for a cure
Who, when, and if
Come New Year
What lays ahead
More of the same
Sameo sameo
What be bro
2020 Mofo
Fuck that shit
A time endured
Knowing too well
Nothing will ever be
As it has been
No peace in our time
Yet full speed ahead
Screw the dread
Laying down rubber
From now till then
Out of my head
On the whole
Better off than