
Songs of Milarepa

By: - Dec 01, 2021

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Songs of Milarepa

Why do today
What you can put off
Until tomorrow
Which never comes
Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow
Brings such sorrow
Sondheim just died
At ripe ninety one
Nothing gets done
Days turn into weeks
Then months and years
Piles of stuff
Gathering dust
Disheveled things
But please don’t touch
I know where things are
If and when I really
Need them
Like my passport
Buried in a stack
Of papers and books
Next to this desk
In easy reach to be
Frantically ransacked
Reclaimed from oblivion
Not likely to happen
Right now between
Whatall and whatever
Not going anywhere
Except maybe Pittsfield
An odyssey of sorts
As pandemic drags on
Today however
For some strange reason
Got lots of things done
Uncanny burst of energy
Oddly all major steps
Earth shattering
Indeed life changing
As Fast Eddy would say
Contracts confirmed
E mails sent
Epic interview
Starting to transcribe
Beginning to unearth
Inching forward
Slow by slow
Songs of Milarepa
Impossible task
Tunneling through a mountain
Well actually not
But sorta kindah
In another way
Now on cusp of winter
Bear cave projects
That next book
Heaven help us
Recently finished one
Another website
Just for images
Ambition piled so high
It crushes us to submission
Weight pressed down
Tunneling through
Milarepa’s mountain
Just to see the other side
These frenetic lines
Keep me from all that
Always time for verse
Done in a burst
Fun to be versatile
When everything else
Is just too much
Hail and farewell
Being and nothingness