
Seeing Red

By: - Nov 13, 2021

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Seeing Red

Glorious fall
Best of the Berkshires
Now tapering off
Yesterday buckets of rain
Hazardous driving
Splish splash
Mountains rusty tan
Soon gray and bare
What not long ago
Blaze of color
Mostly yellow and orange
A wet Saturday
Just outside
Blazing red maple
Sad upside down trees
Tortured as art
Cruel conceptualism
Losing their leaves
Earlier than most
Nature not messed with
Global warming
Quite bad enough
Seeking stillness
Sitting by the lake
Enjoying silence
What’s wrong she asked
Nothing I said
No nothing at all
Not a thing
Just seeking peace
And quiet
So rare for me
An action hero
Superman on a roll
Fun on a bun
Gloom slides in
Dark afternoons
Long winter nights
Clinging to lingering
Glory of it all
That magnificent fall
Seeing red
Going out of my head
Seasonal depression
Bring on egg nog
Laced with rum
Fire a yule log
Moosh magique
Dances in flames
Nature trumps art
Only god can
Make a tree
Even inverted ones
Persephone returns
To grim underworld
Flora withers and weeps
Whole earth sleeps
Leaves in heaps
Dreams drone deep