

By: - Sep 10, 2021

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It came to me in a flash
One of those bursts
From the cosmos
Out of nowhere
For no rhyme or reason
Now in my dotage
Ever more it seems
With each passing day
What’s there to say
Smaller fractions
Slices of a life
Once lived so large
Friends called me
The Big Boy
Or Big for short
A gentle giant
Now smaller it seems
Shrinking away
Just a shadow
Of my former self
Where oh where is
My factotum
That crafty lad
Capable of anything
Fixing all the stuff
That seems ever
To go wrong
A twist here
Turn of a screw there
Get me this or that
Can you reach
That book on a shelf
Way up high
Time yet again
To read the classics
Plato’s Republic
I am not wise
But you are
So let us again
Sit upon the earth
And speak of the
Sad stories of the
Death of kings