
Fast Eddy

Catch Him If You Can

By: - Jul 23, 2016

Fast Eddy

More brissed than brisket
Fast Eddy
Cherokee/ Jewish
Such mishegos
Twenty plus e mails
Each and every day
Critic and friend
Opinions on everything
Calls us kids
Extended family
Toast of Broadway
Prefers Happy Hour
Bar near his home
A wreck since
Terrible explosion
Next door
Watched live on TV
When we were in
New Orleans
Such a mess
Daily updates
Getting his house
Back in order
Rent controlled
True New Yorkers
Never leave
Who can afford to move
Sorting through
Tons and tons of stuff
Says he has reclaimed
Half his bed
Nobody visits
Out and about
Lunch at Sardi’s
Haunting Times Square
Even in blizzards
Like the Phantom
Spewing generosity
Devours books
Makes me laugh
Air kisses
Mad that I don’t
Call him enough
Or stay on the line
One story leads to
Another and another
Catch you later
Alligator breath
Just kidding
Heart of gold
Not just glitter