
Marjorie Kaye at Future Labs

Starburts in North Adams

By: - Jun 10, 2024

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Future Lab(s) Gallery

43 Eagle Street, North Adams, 01247

Contact: Marjorie Kaye


Hours: Saturday and Sunday, 1-5pm and by appointment



July 5-28, 2024

Opening Reception: July 5, 6-8pm

Closing Reception: July 27, 6-8pm


In Marjorie Kaye's recent body of work, isolating shapes are inherent in her paintings, examining and delving further into their nature. She finds limitless potential in particular intuitive algorithms, with an infinite number of patterns that can be determined from the visual arrangement of mathematical suggestions. In this new series, space is broken down as it emerges from the center. There is a combination of organic and geometric sensibilities, and although there is a tip of the hat to symmetry, it is not always prevalent.  It is the previous shape that determines the responding one, and regardless of the intense detail, there is not always precision involved.


Kaye builds sequences, adding to a primary shape, with each successive form getting larger and more complex, mirroring growth from cellular beginnings to complex formation. Her gouache paintings manifest similarly to an explosion of a Geode form. The commonality of momentum is what drives each work and results from the exploration of the one before it. They are one continuous piece, accessible fractiles. Details emerge from one basic pattern into a vast array of shapes, some of which approach the recognizable. It is a net that captures and also comprises the structure of the material universe.
