
Movietone News

Scrapbook of War Memories

By: - May 30, 2015


Movietone News

Memories of WWII
The Greatest Generation
Uncles in the war
All survived
Heroes and not
Kept a scrapbook
Cut and pasted
From Life Magazine
Later made model airplanes
Mary McKnight
Our scary maid
Help was hard to find
Squeezing a bag of white lard
Dot of yellow dye
Ersatz butter
Proto margarine
Ration book at the butcher
Nat's in Allston
Always a slice of
Baloney for the kid
Sugar rare
Lots of Spam
OK on gas
Doctors were essential
Sunday cartoons
Terry and the Pirates
Racist comic books
Weekly cinema
War footage
Movietone News
Eyes and ears of the world
Voice of Lowell Thomas
Bombed out Berlin
Image of baby carriage
Like Eisenstein's Potemkin
In the alley
Enormous woodpile
Ersatz fort
Played cowboys and Indians
Japs and Germans
Everyone wanted
To be GI Joe
In Hamburg
Bombs fell
Near hospital where
Astrid was born
Her youthful memories
More horrific
Than mine