

Hula to Whodoo

By: - May 24, 2015



Lunch break
Annisquam Yacht Club
Junior Program
Sailing, swimming, tennis
Geoffrey cavorting
In front of the TV
Blue Hawaii
Doing a hula
Towel as grass skirt
Flowing hands
Like surfing waves
Decades later
On the porch of the Brynmere
Catching up
More sedate
Urbane and accomplished
Loose pants with suspenders
No longer the hellion
I knew and feared
Truly a wild child
Not in his opinion
He thought the same of me
Sharing commonality
Gave me his book of collected verse
Come August I’ll hand him mine
Reading them again
So changed
By my book
Ten months later
Start to finish
Team effort
Incredible support
It takes a village
Including his advice
Better understanding
Knowing what it takes
Esoteric confraternity
Published poets
Audience for each other
Private club
No rules or dues
But a secret grip
The clincher