
Pinball Wizard

Life Inside the Bubble

By: - Apr 21, 2017

Pinball Wizard

Thinking of me
As a bubble
Self as molecule
Center surrounded
Shaped by jelly
Within symmetrical
Clear membrane
Single cell organism
When in harmony
A smooth sphere
Floating in ambient space
Air and sky
Perhaps water
Wafted by stream and tide
River or brook
Vast oceans
Space both inner and outer
When all is well
Even pressure
Balance of entropy
A perfect ball
Balance of opposites
When stressed
Pressure tests
Distorted shapes
Gentle ellipse at best
Or crusted and cratered
Lunar surface
Bombarded by meteors
Smashing into that me
Or violent eruptions
Breaking out
Crashing against outer membrane
No longer a rolling ball
Smoothly navigating
Roiled and rocked
Slammed about
Psychic cyclotron
Bumpy ride
Other as pinball wizard
Menacing presence
Manipulating flippers
Flashing lights
Running up scores
Someone else’s game
When life is not exactly
A silver ball