

By: - Feb 16, 2023


From afar
I gazed down on the earth
So distant and long ago
The endless millennia
Flitting about the stars
Disembodied indeed
Dancing with the gods
Lunch with Osiris
Like when I was
Doing a summer
Of LSD in Waltham
Owsley Sunshine
When it seemed
To have pricked
The thick skin
Of mere mortality
Reflecting endlessly
No limit to time or space
Of what had been
Done and left undone
Things I knew
Some quite well
Others not a clue
Smart perhaps
In some ways
But in the arts
Always someone smarter
The constant humiliation
Now doesn’t matter
When to be is
Not to be
Remembered for awhile
By a few until
They too are gone
While these very words
Somehow and somewhere
Will last forever


For Bill remembering Steve